HTTP 2xx Codes or HTTP 2xx Successful Codes represent the success message, they indicate to the client that server has received, understood and accepted the request.
There are seven main types of HTTP 2xx Codes, these seven types are listed below.
Table of Contents
200 OK
The 200 OK means that the server processed the request successfully and the requested page is returned.
201 Created
The 201 Created means that the request was fulfilled successfully and a new resource has been created by server.
202 Accepted
The 202 Accepted means that the server has accepted the request for processing and processing is still going on.
203 Non-Authoritative Information
The 203 Non-Authoritative Information means that the server has successfully processed the request, but the result that is being returned is from another source.
204 No Content
The 204 No Content means that the server has successfully processed the request but the server is not returning any content.
205 Reset Content
The 205 Reset Content means that the request has been successfully processed by the server but server can't return any content right now and client is required to reset the document view.
206 Partial Content
The 206 Partial Content means that the server is not returning complete content due to a range header sent by the client.