HTML MCQS with Answers - Page 6

251) HTML attribute which defines the value of element?

  1. id attribute
  2. name attribute
  3. value attribute
  4. class attribute

252) HTML attribute which defines the width of element?

  1. size attribute
  2. width attribute
  3. length attribute
  4. area attribute

253) HTML attribute which defines the image as image map?

  1. usemap attribute
  2. map attribute
  3. imgmap attribute
  4. img attribute

254) HTML Tag which contains title tag?

  1. HTML section tag
  2. HTML footer tag
  3. HTML header tag
  4. HTML head tag

255) Which HTML tag is used to make the underlined text?

  1. <u>
  2. <i>
  3. <b>
  4. <ul>

256) HTML Tag used to define unordered list is?

  1. HTML select tag
  2. HTML ul tag
  3. HTML li tag
  4. HTML ol tag

257) Which tag is used for JavaScript?

  1. <style>
  2. <section>
  3. <canvas>
  4. <script>

258) By default, what is the color of an unvisited link?

  1. yellow
  2. red
  3. blue
  4. green

259) Which one of the following is not the value of the target attribute?

  1. _blank
  2. _empty
  3. _top
  4. _self

260) An HTML file is saved using which extension?

  1. .php
  2. .html
  3. .ht
  4. .net

261) Form validation is traditionally done using

  1. HTML
  2. PHP
  3. JavaScript
  4. CSS

262) Which attribute is not used in the radio type input element?

  1. id
  2. checked
  3. value
  4. selected

263) If the type attribute of input element is not specified, the default type is?

  1. password
  2. text
  3. radio
  4. number

264) Which HTML element is used to draw graphics via JavaScript.

  1. canvas
  2. metadata
  3. script
  4. css

265) Which of the following attribute is used to describe the image?

  1. alt
  2. src
  3. title
  4. none

266) Which of the following is used for the caption of the image?

  1. src attribute
  2. figure tag
  3. alt attribute
  4. figure attribute

267) Which prevents the page from being indexed?

  1. noarchive
  2. nofollow
  3. noindex
  4. novalue

268) How to start an ordered list with the first value being 5?

  1. <ol type = "1" initial = "5">
  2. <ol type = "1" begin = "5">
  3. <ol type = "1" start = "5">
  4. <ol type = "1" number = "5">

269) The HTML tags are

  1. not case sensitive
  2. case sensitive
  3. in lowercase
  4. in uppercase

270) The text inside the <textarea> tag works like

  1. pre formatted text
  2. paragraph text
  3. heading text
  4. predefined text

271) Which HTML Tag contains the navigation menu.

  1. menu
  2. header
  3. nav
  4. aside

272) Which HTML Tag is used for the audio files in HTML5?

  1. <audio>
  2. <sound>
  3. <video>
  4. <input>

273) Which is the correct way to comment out something in HTML?

  1. Using #
  2. Using <// and //>
  3. Using <!-- and --!>
  4. Using <!-- and -->

274) Which HTML element has been removed from HTML5 (W3C) specification?

  1. <section>
  2. <div>
  3. <hgroup>
  4. <aside>

275) Which HTML Elements take full space of the container?

  1. <Inline>
  2. <Inline Block>
  3. <Block>
  4. <All>

276) Which HTML Tag is used to define the base URL of web page?

  1. head tag
  2. link tag
  3. meta tag
  4. base tag

277) Which HTML element does not support autofocus attribute?

  1. <input>
  2. <base>
  3. <select>
  4. <textarea>

278) Which of the following is not a function of robots meta tag?

  1. norepeat
  2. nofollow
  3. noindex
  4. noarchive

279) Which Symbol is used inside HREF attribute?

  1. #
  2. &
  3. $
  4. ^

280) Which HTML tag is used to define a relationship between two documents?

  1. <base>
  2. <link>
  3. <a>
  4. script

281) Which of the following attribute is not supported in HTML5?

  1. scheme
  2. content
  3. alt
  4. title

282) The rows in HTML Table are defined using?

  1. <td> and </td>
  2. <tr> and </tr>
  3. <th> and </th>
  4. None

283) Right way to insert HTML image?

  1. <img url = "image.jpg" />
  2. <img href = "image.jpg" />
  3. <img alt = "image.jpg" />
  4. <img src = "image.jpg" />

284) An attribute which can be specified inside Every HTML element?.

  1. itemscope
  2. itemtype
  3. relevant types
  4. itemref

285) HTML Tag used to define track of media element is?

  1. HTML track tag
  2. HTML audio tag
  3. HTML media tag
  4. HTML audio tag

286) HTML Tag used to define teletype text is?

  1. HTML track tag
  2. HTML tr tag
  3. HTML tt tag
  4. HTML td tag

287) HTML attribute which defines the character encoding?

  1. char attribute
  2. alt attribute
  3. href attribute
  4. charset attribute

288) HTML attribute which specifies the element to be pre-selected?

  1. selected attribute
  2. checked attribute
  3. title attribute
  4. url attribute

289) HTML attribute that defines the URL of document which explains the quote, text or data?

  1. href attribute
  2. title attribute
  3. cite attribute
  4. url attribute

290) HTML attribute which defines class names for an element?

  1. class attribute
  2. cols attribute
  3. id attribute
  4. name attribute

291) HTML attribute which enables custom data attributes on all HTML elements?

  1. data attribute
  2. type attribute
  3. custom attribute
  4. data-* attribute

292) HTML attribute which sets the date and time on web page?

  1. date attribute
  2. datetime attribute
  3. time attribute
  4. calendar attribute

293) HTML attribute which defines the appropriate track for track tag?

  1. data attribute
  2. href attribute
  3. default attribute
  4. src attribute

294) HTML attribute which makes sure that the script is only executed after the page parsing is complete?

  1. sync attribute
  2. async attribute
  3. defer attribute
  4. type attribute

295) HTML attribute which is used to set the base direction of text for display?

  1. direction attribute
  2. dirname attribute
  3. dir attribute
  4. type attribute

296) HTML attribute which enables that the direction of text will be submitted?

  1. direction attribute
  2. dir attribute
  3. dirname attribute
  4. enctype attribute

297) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the element is dragged till a particular target or point?

  1. onenter attribute
  2. ondragenter attribute
  3. onin attribute
  4. onarea attribute

298) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the length of media file changes?

  1. onchange attribute
  2. time attribute
  3. ondurationchange attribute
  4. duration attribute

299) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the file is suddenly not available due to the disconnection or something?

  1. unavilable attribute
  2. onemptied attribute
  3. location attribute
  4. file attribute

300) HTML attribute which specifies that script will run when the file has reached the end, usually a greeting message?

  1. onended attribute
  2. onend attribute
  3. oncomplete attribute
  4. onfinish attribute
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