Microsoft Logo Color Code - Hex Code - RGB Code - CMYK Code - PMS Code

Microsoft Logo has five colors Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow and Grey in it. Hex Code, RGB Code, PMS Code and CMYK Code of Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow and Grey colors used in Microsoft logo are given below.

Microsoft Logo History

Microsoft is an American multinational technology company famous for an operating system Microsoft Windows. Microsoft was founded in April 4, 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. The headquarters of Microsoft is located in Redmond, Washington, United States. The first Microsoft logo was designed in 1975, it was a simple wordmark of the company, in black color. Later versions of the logo of company were also just wordmarks written in different typefaces. The latest Microsoft logo was designed in 2012, it has four colors and a window symbol along with the wordmark 'Microsoft' written in grey color.

Microsoft Color Code

Microsoft color codes of Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow and Grey colors used in Microsoft logo and branding are given below.

Microsoft Logo Color Hex Code

The HEX code of Orange color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Hex Value: #F25022

The HEX code of Green color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Hex Value: #7FBA00

The HEX code of Blue color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Hex Value: #00A4EF

The HEX code of Yellow color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Hex Value: #FFB900

The HEX code of Grey color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Hex Value: #737373

Microsoft Logo Color RGB Code

The RGB code of Orange color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


RGB Value: (242, 80, 34)

The RGB code of Green color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


RGB Value: (127, 186, 0)

The RGB code of Blue color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


RGB Value: (0, 164, 239)

The RGB code of Yellow color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


RGB Value: (255, 185, 0)

The RGB code of Grey color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


RGB Value: (115, 115, 115)

Microsoft Logo Color CMYK Code

The CMYK code of Orange color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (0, 84%, 98%, 0%)

The CMYK code of Green color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (56%, 4%, 100%, 0%)

The CMYK code of Blue color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (71%, 22%, 0%, 0%)

The CMYK code of Yellow color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (0%, 30%, 100%, 0%)

The CMYK code of Grey color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (56%, 47%, 47%, 13%)

Microsoft Logo Color PMS Code

The PMS code of Orange color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Pantone: PMS 1665 C

The PMS code of Green color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Pantone: PMS 376 C

The PMS code of Blue color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Pantone: PMS 2925 C

The PMS code of Yellow color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Pantone: PMS 1235 C

The PMS code of Grey color used in Microsoft logo is given below.


Pantone: PMS 424 C