Netflix Logo Color Code - HEX Code - RGB Code - CMYK Code

Netflix Logo has two colors Red and Black in it. The Hex Color Codes, RGB Color Codes and CMYK Color Codes of Red and Black used in Netflix logo are given.

Netflix Logo History

Netflix is a media company which streams films and serials on it's platform. Netflix was founded in 1997. The primary Netflix logo has two colors red and black.

The older version of Netflix logo had red and white colors with Netflix written in white with black stroke and red background. This logo was changed back in 2000.

In Netflix videos the logo used has only one color with Netflix written in white and transparent background.

Netflix Logo Color Code

The red and black colors used in Netflix logo give cinematic feel. Netflix logo color codes are given below.

Netflix Logo Color Hex Code

The HEX code of Red color used in Netflix logo is given below.


Hex Value: #E50914

The HEX code of Black color used in Netflix logo is given below.


Hex Value: #000000

Netflix Logo Color RGB Code

The RGB code of Red color used in Netflix logo is given below.


RGB Value: (229, 9, 20)

The RGB code of Black color used in Netflix logo is given below.


RGB Value: (0, 0, 0)

Netflix Logo Color CMYK Code

The CMYK code of Red color used in Netflix logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (0%, 96%, 93%, 2%)

The CMYK code of Black color used in Netflix logo is given below.


CMYK Value: (0%, 0%, 0%, 100%)